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Toxic positivity in your writing life

Toxic positivity is crippling your writing life. There's a belief becoming more pervasive in the writing community that you must always stay positive and never let anything negative affect you or your mentality. If you do this, you'll achieve everything you want, attract all the readers and writers you can, [...]

2023-09-01T22:02:08+00:00June 20th, 2023|Mindset|0 Comments

Don’t Write Your Book Alone

A few years ago, I learned a hard lesson about writing alone. As an introvert, I tend to keep my words close to the chest until they feel “ready” to share (if they ever make it there). However, I became lost and discouraged in my draft, not knowing how to [...]

2023-09-01T22:17:03+00:00May 15th, 2020|Mindset|0 Comments
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