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About Emily Golden

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So far Emily Golden has created 52 blog entries.

Don’t Write Your Book Alone

A few years ago, I learned a hard lesson about writing alone. As an introvert, I tend to keep my words close to the chest until they feel “ready” to share (if they ever make it there). However, I became lost and discouraged in my draft, not knowing how to [...]

2023-09-01T22:17:03+00:00May 15th, 2020|Mindset|0 Comments

#WritersRead: May Theme

So far in #WritersRead, we’ve been pursuing growth in our story craft through analyzing books outside our usual comfort zones. This month, we’re taking a deeper look at books on writing to learn from the experts themselves. While reading great books allows us to see how things are done well in [...]

2023-09-01T22:17:35+00:00April 26th, 2020|Writers Read Book Club|4 Comments

April Book Reviews

April #WritersRead Book Club Chat: Thursday, April 30th @ 7pm EST Join on Twitter! Details on how to join here Banned books are those that have been challenged (by an individual or group) and removed from schools and/or libraries in order to ‘protect children’. This month [...]

2020-04-26T14:57:43+00:00April 26th, 2020|Writers Read Book Club|2 Comments

How To Structure Scenes

Scenes are the building blocks of stories. A scene has its own beginning, middle and end. The best scenes contain plot problems that push your protagonist to make a character-revealing decision that changes them or their world. To ensure your story is driving forward, with your character at the helm, [...]

2025-02-12T23:16:46+00:00April 23rd, 2020|Plotting and Planning|3 Comments

What kind of editing do you need?

Editing, rather than drafting, is usually the hardest and most time-intensive part of writing a book, especially since there are so many stages. Knowing what kind of editing you need, based on where you are in your writing journey, is crucial to saving you time and setting you up for success [...]

2023-09-01T22:17:50+00:00April 4th, 2020|Writing Life|0 Comments

#WritersRead: April Theme

Banned books are those that have been challenged (by an individual or group) and removed from schools and/or libraries in order to 'protect children'. Sometimes, books have been banned out of genuine concern for students, other times groups have used the label of 'concern' to block students' exposure to diverse [...]

2020-04-02T21:48:19+00:00March 30th, 2020|Writers Read Book Club|0 Comments
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