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About Emily Golden

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So far Emily Golden has created 53 blog entries.

Setting Goals Free From Shame

With another year coming to a close, it is that time once again where our social media feeds peddle hustle-culture narratives driving us to set ambitious writing goals and lofty word counts.It can be overwhelming and draining.Often, the reason behind why people set goals stems from shame. We feel “I have [...]

2025-01-06T17:00:15+00:00January 6th, 2025|Mindset, Writing Life|0 Comments

Embrace Anti-hustle Culture

Let’s play a game. Has this ever been you?. 👉🏻 felt guilty or anxious for taking a day (or week or month) off writing? 👉🏻 felt ashamed or worries what people would think if I had to push back a deadline? 👉🏻 pushed your body or brain to the limit [...]

2024-12-12T22:09:35+00:00December 10th, 2024|Mindset, Writing Life|0 Comments

Trusting Your Gut Instinct

As writers, we have to make choices constantly. From the big picture planning of what to include in a plot or character arc, to the pacing of chapters and scenes, all the way down to every word we write. Most of these choices (especially the smaller ones) are usually made with [...]

2024-11-05T15:12:29+00:00November 15th, 2024|Mindset, Writing Life|0 Comments

Overcoming Perfectionism

We’re told that perfectionism is a good thing. We’re told it’s a trait to brag about when we’re in a job interview to showcase just how hardworking and detail-oriented we are. We’ve been conditioned to believe that being a perfectionist equals success—and that all of our idols have gotten where they [...]

2024-10-28T20:24:09+00:00October 30th, 2024|Mindset, Writing Life|0 Comments

Healing From Burnout

Burnout sucks. It’s an unrelenting exhaustion that has you feeling completely zapped of energy. Your creativity, which has been running on fumes for miles, has officially petered out in the middle of nowhere. You can hardly think about writing, much less get any words down. At this moment, it may feel [...]

2024-09-16T21:36:24+00:00September 27th, 2024|Mindset, Writing Life|0 Comments

Toxic positivity in your writing life

Toxic positivity is crippling your writing life. There's a belief becoming more pervasive in the writing community that you must always stay positive and never let anything negative affect you or your mentality. If you do this, you'll achieve everything you want, attract all the readers and writers you can, [...]

2024-09-16T21:09:09+00:00June 20th, 2023|Mindset|0 Comments
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