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Blog | Writing Life2023-09-02T17:19:20+00:00

writing life

our free resources on all things writer and author life

Setting Goals Free From Shame

With another year coming to a close, it is that time once again where our social media feeds peddle hustle-culture narratives driving us to set ambitious writing goals and lofty word counts.It [...]

Trusting Your Gut Instinct

As writers, we have to make choices constantly. From the big picture planning of what to include in a plot or character arc, to the pacing of chapters and scenes, all the [...]

Overcoming Perfectionism

We’re told that perfectionism is a good thing. We’re told it’s a trait to brag about when we’re in a job interview to showcase just how hardworking and detail-oriented we are. We’ve [...]

Healing From Burnout

Burnout sucks. It’s an unrelenting exhaustion that has you feeling completely zapped of energy. Your creativity, which has been running on fumes for miles, has officially petered out in the middle of [...]

Toxic positivity in your writing life

Toxic positivity is crippling your writing life. There's a belief becoming more pervasive in the writing community that you must always stay positive and never let anything negative affect you or [...]

Feedback should NEVER feel like this

You did it. You sent pages off to your writing group or critique partner or beta reader... and they finally responded. You're both terrified and excited to see what they thought. [...]

6 Tips for NaNoWriMo Success

It’s almost November which means it’s almost time for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo or NaNo for short)! NaNoWriMo is a challenge to write 50,000 words during the month of November (roughly [...]

How to Hire The Right Editor or Coach

Writers need outside eyes on our stories. External feedback will identify what we’re doing well, and where our stories need work. Working with a professional editor or book coach is one [...]

Setting Goals Free From Shame

With another year coming to a close, it is that time once again where our social media feeds peddle hustle-culture narratives driving us to set ambitious writing goals and lofty word counts.It [...]

Trusting Your Gut Instinct

As writers, we have to make choices constantly. From the big picture planning of what to include in a plot or character arc, to the pacing of chapters and scenes, all the [...]

Overcoming Perfectionism

We’re told that perfectionism is a good thing. We’re told it’s a trait to brag about when we’re in a job interview to showcase just how hardworking and detail-oriented we are. We’ve [...]

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