plotting & planning
all our free writing craft resources on crafting your story’s structure!
The Magic of Character Arcs
We've all heard about "character arcs." We know they're important. We know they have to do with a character's journey through the story. But what does that actually MEAN? "Character arcs" [...]
Start Your Story Strong
You likely have an idea of what your story is about and what will happen to your characters—a young woman embarks on a quest to save a prince from a dragon; a [...]
How to Write Act Breaks
Readers are most intrigued by characters that make choices. We’re less interested in what happens to a character than we are what the character is going to do about it. One of [...]
Create Killer Character Goals
Imagine reading a story where the protagonist doesn’t want anything, doesn’t care about anything, and you have no idea what motivates them. That’s probably a book you’re going to put [...]