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Blog | Character Development2023-09-02T17:19:00+00:00

character development

all our free writing craft resources on creating three-dimensional characters

How to Build A Magic System

I love magic. When magic is well-designed, I feel it, picturing myself as a user, unleashing its power through my fingertips alongside the characters. To me, reading a well put-together magic system [...]

How Scene Choices Determine Successful Character Arcs

While reading, we become active participants in a point-of-view character’s journey (seriously, our brains become the character). This means that when characters undergo a deep journey of change, we do too. Character [...]

How to Plan a Magical Revision

You finished your first draft! That is a huge accomplishment. Do you know how many people in the world wish they could say that? Do you know how many unfinished [...]

The Power of Redemption

Readers love characters who are complicated, passionate, and flawed—just like we are. We enjoy seeking as they seek, learning as they learn. As writers, we want to provide this experience for [...]

March Book Reviews

March #WritersRead Book Club Chat: Thursday, March 26th @ 7pm EST Join on Twitter! Details on how to join here This month we all read 'Children’s and middle [...]

5 Tricks to Write Great Dialogue

Good dialogue often goes unnoticed. When it’s crafted well, a story continues to flow forward, uninterrupted, as you learn more about the characters and the conflict at hand. Bad [...]

How to Write Backstory

This post/page contains affiliate links. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Golden May will only ever recommend products or services that we fully stand behind! Thanks [...]

What is ‘Character Agency’?

This post/page contains affiliate links. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Golden May will only ever recommend products or services that we fully stand behind! Thanks [...]

How to Pick the Perfect Protagonist

Stories are about change—specifically, they are about how characters change. Characters are the heart and soul of any story, which means that we should develop the story around them—starting with your protagonist. [...]

How Plot + Character Intersect

As readers, we’re engaged in a story’s plot because we know what the main character wants and why—and we’re dying to find out how far they’ll go to get it. We’re not [...]

The Antagonist Fuels Your Story

Stories are about change. Specifically, stories are about how characters change. We love stories so much because we are able to see ourselves in the main character, and we learn as they [...]

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Setting Goals Free From Shame

With another year coming to a close, it is that time once again where our social media feeds peddle hustle-culture narratives driving us to [...]

Overcoming Perfectionism

We’re told that perfectionism is a good thing. We’re told it’s a trait to brag about when we’re [...]


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