character development
all our free writing craft resources on creating three-dimensional characters
The Magic of Character Arcs
We've all heard about "character arcs." We know they're important. We know they have to do with a character's journey through the story. But what does that actually MEAN? "Character arcs" [...]
Getting to the Heart of Your Cast With Character Interviews
This post was written by our friend Lewis Jorstad, an author and developmental editor who helps up-and-coming writers hone their writing craft over at The Novel Smithy. You can find him [...]
How to Write Act Breaks
Readers are most intrigued by characters that make choices. We’re less interested in what happens to a character than we are what the character is going to do about it. One of [...]
Create Killer Character Goals
Imagine reading a story where the protagonist doesn’t want anything, doesn’t care about anything, and you have no idea what motivates them. That’s probably a book you’re going to put [...]