Click here to enroll in SCENE STRUCTURE SIMPLIFIED, March 22-23rd, and claim the page turning power of scenes!

Start Your Story Strong

You likely have an idea of what your story is about and what will happen to your characters—a young woman embarks on a quest to save a prince from a dragon; a boy must defeat an evil tyrant to free his village; a person experiencing heartbreak learns to find love again. [...]

2023-09-01T22:11:17+00:00August 13th, 2021|Plotting and Planning|0 Comments

How to Write Act Breaks

Readers are most intrigued by characters that make choices. We’re less interested in what happens to a character than we are what the character is going to do about it. One of the most common mistakes writers make while outlining is in using plot events to shove a character into and [...]

2023-09-01T22:11:06+00:00July 1st, 2021|Plotting and Planning|1 Comment

How Plot + Character Intersect

As readers, we’re engaged in a story’s plot because we know what the main character wants and why—and we’re dying to find out how far they’ll go to get it. We’re not engaged in the plot itself, but rather how it affects and influences the characters we’ve come to love. This [...]

2023-09-01T22:12:17+00:00January 17th, 2021|Plotting and Planning|1 Comment

How to Structure Act Two

It’s so fun to start a new story. You’re in the honeymoon phase, crafting characters that make your heart twinge and throwing challenges their way to make them squirm. You’re exploring new worlds, casts and themes. It’s exhilarating—until you hit that inevitable 20-25% mark. Suddenly it’s time to launch into Act [...]

2023-09-01T22:12:59+00:00November 12th, 2020|Plotting and Planning|4 Comments

How to Build A Magic System

I love magic. When magic is well-designed, I feel it, picturing myself as a user, unleashing its power through my fingertips alongside the characters. To me, reading a well put-together magic system lights up my imagination and places me firmly inside the story. Creating a magic system, on the other hand, [...]

2023-09-01T22:14:43+00:00August 4th, 2020|Plotting and Planning|0 Comments
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