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The Magic of Character Arcs

We've all heard about "character arcs." We know they're important. We know they have to do with a character's journey through the story. But what does that actually MEAN? "Character arcs" is a very common writing term—but it's usually never fully explained in easily understandable language that writers can use [...]

2023-09-01T22:11:46+00:00June 30th, 2023|Character Development|0 Comments

Create Killer Character Goals

Imagine reading a story where the protagonist doesn’t want anything, doesn’t care about anything, and you have no idea what motivates them. That’s probably a book you’re going to put down pretty quickly. Why? Because you aren’t engaged in that story! As we read, we want to cheer for [...]

2023-09-01T22:09:47+00:00June 2nd, 2021|Character Development|0 Comments

How to Pick the Perfect Protagonist

Stories are about change—specifically, they are about how characters change. Characters are the heart and soul of any story, which means that we should develop the story around them—starting with your protagonist. Readers engage in good stories when they know what the protagonist wants and why it matters to them. They [...]

2023-09-01T22:08:47+00:00February 28th, 2021|Character Development|0 Comments

The Antagonist Fuels Your Story

Stories are about change. Specifically, stories are about how characters change. We love stories so much because we are able to see ourselves in the main character, and we learn as they learn. You’ve probably spent a lot of time working on your main character—the protagonist whose journey of change the [...]

2023-09-01T22:12:48+00:00December 2nd, 2020|Character Development|0 Comments

The TRUE Function of Secondary Characters

Building secondary characters is incredibly fun. Who doesn’t love dreaming up a romantic interest? Brainstorming unique characteristics for a mentor? Crafting the sass of the sidekick and best friend? We love plucking quirky, vibrant people from the recesses of our minds—but simply crafting interesting people isn’t enough. Secondary characters are [...]

2023-09-01T22:13:14+00:00October 8th, 2020|Character Development|2 Comments

The Power of Redemption

Readers love characters who are complicated, passionate, and flawed—just like we are. We enjoy seeking as they seek, learning as they learn. As writers, we want to provide this experience for our readers, but oftentimes we can chafe against making our characters truly bad. We don’t want to sink our [...]

2023-09-01T22:15:47+00:00June 29th, 2020|Character Development|0 Comments

What is ‘Character Agency’?

This post/page contains affiliate links. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Golden May will only ever recommend products or services that we fully stand behind! Thanks for your support. Good characters have agency. Agency is the drive and capacity to make choices. [...]

2023-09-01T22:24:26+00:00December 16th, 2019|Character Development|0 Comments
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