The Shape of Character Arcs

Your character arcs exist within your story’s plot. You have to craft them together. In this class we’re going to show you exactly how.

Plot should push your character to change

Character arcs, at their foundation, are about characters making mistakes, then choosing or rejecting to change in the face of them. But when you sit down to bring that change to life on the page in the form of a story, it gets a tad more complicated—because character arcs don’t exist in a vacuum. Your story’s plot and your character’s arc are inextricable.

Your plot pushes your character to change. Then, your character’s change (or lack of) shapes the plot.

Once you understand the shape of how people change you can strategically set up your plot to push your character along that curve—and leave a satisfying, lasting emotional impact on your reader.

If you’ve ever wondered how to execute the vague ‘theory’ of character arcs in practice on the page, this free class is for you. You’ll leave with the veil lifted, and understand exactly how to apply these concepts to your plot.

In this free class, discover how to…

show readers your character has changed (without stating it)

✨ craft a PLOT that pushes your character to change

✨ wield the SHAPE of how humans change to map the backbone of your story

✨ create the opportunity for your character to change, whether they ultimately do or not

Plotter? Pantser? Somewhere in between?

Doesn’t matter—this class will change how you structure stories, forever.


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